Our programe

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Each day at Little Friends we have 25 kids between the ages of 3 and 6 coming for 3 hours of intensive learning and creative fun. During those hours the program revolves around or includes four main learning sessions.

  1. First is the ‘Greetings and Calendar’ session in which the kids learn about the calendar, the holidays, the seasons and weather.
  2. The second is called ‘Creation’ in which the kids learn about the world and nature through scientific experiments, play and visual aids.
  3. The third one is called ‘Bible Story’ in which a short story from the bible is read and the kids learn good values and discuss how they can be better people.
  4. The fourth element is ‘Learning through play’ and involves learning about numbers, colors, shapes through play and physical activities like games and songs. Other activities include drawing and coloring, making creative things from the materials that are provided by the project or planting plants and taking care of the garden. The children also have a simple lunch during their stay at the school.